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Zaza Connect and our partners have years of experience energy services. With expertise in planning, analysis, engineering, construction, installation, and on-site training, we can offer custom suites of energy solutions tailored to country-level or business-specific requirements. Our areas of specialty include power generation, energy exploration and production, and transmission line and electrical sub-station provisioning.


Power Generation

ZC partners design, construct and deliver turnkey power generation infrastructure projects.  Depending on project needs, we can also supply emergency power solutions and equipment, as well as training and certification of staff on-site.


Energy Exploration and Production

Our team has experience planning and financing partnerships for efficient and sustainable energy solutions in the form of hydroelectricity, wind turbines, solar energy, and more. We can also arrange analysis, planning, and consulting on sustainable energy solutions and equipment. While relying on an eye towards sustainability, we also can facilitate interim solutions for hydrocarbon (oil & gas) exploration, development, and processing.


Transmission Line and Electrical Sub-Station Provisioning

Our partners deliver planning, engineering, and construction of electrical transmission and distribution systems and sub-stations. Our portfolio includes the design and installation of electrical lines, electrical sub-stations, generators, and power transformers for electrical transmission.

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