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Drone Initiative

A consortium of pioneers, experts, and influencers combine efforts to fuel innovation, drive progress, and bring drone manufacturing to the United States.


Zaza Connect seeks to build a full-scale incubator to elevate early-stage drone companies; bringing their proven, born-in-conflict, innovative technologies to the US. Focused on enabling hardware and software solutions to achieve system compatibility, self-support, and synergistically scale, Zaza Connect will create a robust ecosystem for a hand-picked collective of eight vetted and complementary companies, each already tested and producing sales.


Offering the eight-company syndicate buisness development, sales, supply chain management, advisory, and advocating services under one roof will minimize costs and facilitate rapid market expansion. Zaza Connect will ensure continuous funding for drone research and development by identifying and advocating for exististing federal, state, and local grants and other market opportunities in Q1 of 2024. Through our partnerships, we will advance drone development and preserve critical national security technologies.

Drone Developmet Team

Drone Development  Team


Bryan Sardoch

Head of Drone Development

Bryan Sardoch is an expert in the Unmanned Aerial Systems field with 30 years in public safety. Focused on training and innovation throughout his career, Bryan provided tactical UAS training and on-call services to other agencies and task forces within the United States. Bryan began work in the private sector when he recognized the need for rapid development within the tactical use-case for small drones. He gained experience with several startups in the space, including development of software solutions, hardware prototyping, assembly and development of quality control workflows. While conducting training and consulting across the United States and in several central European countries, Bryan developed relationships with innovators in and around Ukraine. At the outset of the invasion, Bryan’s trusted relationships within Ukraine informed him of the failures of high cost traditional defense industry drones, loitering munitions and counter UAS devices. Bryan saw the objectively superior performance of non-funded development efforts mustering in defense of Ukraine. He knew that the groundbreaking iterative speed and quality of product from these grass-roots efforts had the potential for worldwide disruption of the UAS industry. Bryan’s dedication to extreme ground truth on the present day battlefield, combined with a drive for fast iterative development of low cost attritable systems makes him uniquely positioned to maximize return on investment in the region. His expertise and contacts continue to assist his clients to innovate, iterate and succeed at a greatly increased pace.

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